B E S P O K E K I T C H E N S & B E D R O O M S
How it works, how you go from wanting to replace a kitchen for instance, to opening a bottle of prossecco in your new kitchen.
Do your due diligence. Google images for the types of kitchen you think you like. some key words to search are Shaker, Slab, Linear, Gola rail., Super matte, Worktops, Corian, Quartz, Oak block, Wenge, Composite, Laminate. Kitchen triangle, Intergrated, Wirework, Boiling water taps, to mention but a few search ideas.
When you have saved a few searches and bookmarked a few images , then give us a call or email us.
Have a chat with us first, we are a friendly bunch, we do not employ sales people or work for commission. The likelihood is we are answering your call from the factory or on site at another installation. We will make an arrangement to call at your house and have a measure up and discuss your ideas on your new kitchen project. No sales ploys, no buy tonight for this special offer, just straight talking and listening to your design ideas.

We can show you lots of real samples of materials and parts used in the manufacture along with colours, finishes, and textures. Real doors, real worktops and you can keep them as long as you need to make your decision. We won't price your job on the night, you detaled measurements and choices will come back with us and we will carefully cost out the kitchen and quote you with a full breakdown of hardware and extras.
Extras like plumbing (beware lots of kitchen fitting quote will be what is called a 'dry fit'), plastering, stud walls, electrics, flooring and obviously the tidy removal and disposal of your outdated kitchen. (beware not all quotes include the removal of an old kitchen)

Next if you decide you want to go ahead, we agree the order and once a small deposit is paid your kitchen goes into production and your fitting date is scheduled. We keep stock of our most popular items such as Grey or White carcass and this year stocks of the J-pull J handle doors, but in most cases your kitchen will transform from 3 meter long sheets of MFC* or MDF*, cut by CNC* routers into accurate shapes which are then edged with hot glued ABS* tape to protect the edge from moisture ingress and to give an aesthetic uniform colour and finish.

*MFC melamine faced chipboard.
**moisture resistant
*MDF medium density fiber board
*CNC computer numerical control
using X, Y and Z axis to move cutting heads to carve shapes
*ABS acrylonitrile butadine styrene

Work at your house start approximately 3 to 4 weeks after the first deposit was paid and a second stage payment towards the items delivered is taken. No further payments are taken until satisfactory completion of the project. In most kitchen remodels the first job is the removal of the old kitchen. This can be fairly quick
but can sometimes uncover unforeseen issues, not often serious at all, and as we can cover all trades in house you can guarantee we've seen it before and deal with it as necessary and bringing it to your attention in case it is likely to alter the final settlement and in the event you wish to take another route to solve the issue. Generally a basic kitchen can take 5 to 7 business days to complete and a bigger kitchen and utility perhaps 10 to 14 days, bedrooms anywhere from 3 to 10 days and a full bathroom/shower room 3 to 4 weeks. We simply never leave a customer without running water or basic facilities, however the transition period in home renovation comes with some compromise for a short period. We have a welfare trailer for extreme projects.
During the process we are able to react quickly to one of the most common challenges, missing or erroneous parts as we are able to do our own cut and edge we can make new or extra components usually within 48hrs.

The final stages are usually the sealing, grouting, cleaning and adjusting phase and when this is complete you will be asked to settle the final amount along with any agreed extras and then someone will contact you for feedback and reviews such as Google or our website review page and photographs of the work.
You guarantee is for 5 years and you can keep in touch with us as much as you like. We have become friends with many of our clients during the process and afterward.